Fertility Testing

It is always useful to have more data to work with when supporting optimal fertility. Thankfully, a lot of useful tests are available through the NHS; so, my first point of call is to request tests via your GP, based on the symptoms you have. I do this by writing referral letters on your behalf, sent directly to your GP.

There are many private tests available as well, with costs ranging between £30 - £500. These tests provide much more detailed analysis, and can be key to discovering the root cause behind complex symptoms. Most laboratories prefer to work with Practitioners, so I would normally organise these tests on your behalf.

The insights gained from your data inform the creation of your bespoke Plan.

Functional Tests

Tests I commonly use with clients:

Blood Biomarker Tests – depending on your symptoms these tests might include: Ferritin Iron, B12, Folate, Vitamin D, Liver Function, FSH, LH, Oestradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Anti Mullerian Hormone, Sex Binding Hormone Globulin, Prolactin, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Free T4, Free T3, TPO and Thyroglobulin Antibodies.

DUTCH Urine Hormone Tests -. One of the most thorough hormone tests out there – it analyses 35 different hormones; oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S and cortisol along with their metabolites. It also measures daily free cortisol, the oxidative stress marker 8OHdG, melatonin and six organic acids including markers. This test is suitable for those with irregular cycles, unexplained infertility, luteal phase defects, PCOS, irregular cycles, PMS and PMDD, amongst many other hormone related conditions.

Comprehensive Stool Profiles- evaluates digestion and absorption; inflammation markers; bacterial balance and metabolism; candida; parasites; phase 3 detoxification; and immune status for patients with IBS, indigestion and other gastro intestinal related problems. Research suggests that around 70% of our immune system resides in our gut, therefore a stool profile can be a hugely valuable test for many clients presenting with inflammation symptoms.

Vaginal Ecology Test 
- this cutting-edge clinical tool assesses the vaginal microbiome (bacteria and yeast) – a key ecosystem for female health and reproductive optimisation. Disruption of microbiota composition and functions, termed dysbiosis, has been linked to a multitude of disorders, including: bacterial vaginosis (BV), premature delivery in pregnant women, infertility, miscarriages and increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Analysis and monitoring of the vaginal microbiota is therefore extremely important for health and can be used to inform treatment plans.

Food Intolerance testing - This is an IgG antibody test that tests your immune system’s response to different foods. It is helpful to remove foods you are having a strong immune reaction to for a time period, whilst working on supporting gut health. If your body is highly inflamed and there is a strong immune response, you are more likely to struggle to conceive. This can often be an important factor in supporting those trying to conceive with autoimmune conditions. The tests range from testing the three most common food intolerances: gluten, dairy, eggs to testing 176 different foods.

Labs that I order from:

Genova, Regenerus, Invivo, Nordiq, Medicheck and Functional DX.